Hawaii Yacht Club 71st Annual race from Lahaina, Maui to Honolulu, Oahu

Regatta results for Gerontius

Racing on the beautiful Gerontius, a Bruce Farr 42 built in New Zealand

Set sail on Friday night around 23:00 after a crew meeting and dinner at the ala moana shopping mall - food was horrible.

Mostly motored the whole night from Waikiki and arrived at Larry Ellison's island at dawn, the Hawaiian island of Lanai.

Once we got to Larry's Island (Lanai - located just 9 miles off the coast of Maui), we made breakfast and went for a swim. I lost all video of us swimming with spinner dolphins and our visit to the Manele Bay. Shoots!
I don't remember the exact reason why, but we could not sail into the Manele Small Boat Harbor. Instead we found a mooring outside the marina and anchored up for the night.

French press, fair trade, organic coffee. I can do without a head, but coffee I can not skimp on! That's a damn good cup of java!

There was no head on our boat, so several of us swam about 200 meters to shore and hiked to the Four Seasons located in Manele Bay. The hotels is your quintessential beach resort with epic views, over priced beers (10 bucks), and staff, clad in monkey suits, that kept an eye-out for freeloading cretins like us.

Capt. Chris helps prep dinner. Here we have our antipasto or 'before the dinner' -- gorgonzola stuffed portobello mushrooms.

This beautiful lady did all of our shopping, food prep, marinating, coffee production, cleaning, and she's a bad ass sailor! Currently, she's in South America opening up a vegan restaurant. Looking forward to running into her again!

Crew enjoying a happy hour on the boat after a long night sailing and fun day on Lanai.

Happy Hour in Lanai on Saturday night

After antipasto, primi course was on the grill - marinated chicken!

Hotels on Lanai

Did I mention there was no where to sleep... NO berths on the boat. Some of the crew slept on deck. I ended up in the V-berth, extreme forward end of the hull, on a spinnaker sail. Rocky night, little sleep.

Up with the sun on Sunday, off we sail to Maui

Sailing on Sunday, Aug. 31,2014

Sailing past Lanai on Sunday

We are not in San Francisco anymore. Look at that blue water!

Crew sailing away from Lanai to Maui

Still sailing with just the main up

Sunday around noon we finally made it to Lahaina, Maui. Short one hour stop to pick-up ice, more spirits, potty stop, and a bit of a walk on land.

I think we got one dorado / mahi mahi.

Surf right outside of Lahaina Yacht Club

With only an hour on Maui, we stopped for a beer at Lahaina Pizza Company. Great views from their deck.

After we left Lahaina, it was my turn to drive. Was at the ol' nautical steering wheel for about 2 hours.

Raft'ed up and ready for Happy Hour in Honolua Bay, Maui

Back dive off the boat in my swimming dress

Happy in Honolua Bay

Swimming in Honolua Bay at sunset

Boys Water ballet!

Judging the water ballet!

Do these goggles make me look fat!

Things got all upside down! Jumping off boats

Monday, Sept. 1, 2014 at 8:05AM - the start of the Lahaina Return! Lets go!!

It's all downwind from here... hours! Go Frenchy!

The banana on Gerontius

The crew made a decision to sail to the north of Molokai (the fifth largest Hawaiian Island) and enjoy the views of the highest sea cliffs in the world.
Facts: "The south shore of MolokaŹ»i boasts the longest fringing reef in the U.S. and its holdings—nearly 25 miles (40 km) long" wrote geoscienceworld.org.

Sailing side by side, until...

Molokai (the fifth largest Hawaiian Island). Views of the highest sea cliffs in the world.

Sailing pass the north side of Molokai on Gerontius (Farr 42)
If you'd like to see the photos from our long weekend of sailing, check out my Flickr account here!

Still sailing by Molokai
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